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President ZHANG Xi went to College of New Energy and Environment for Investigation

Author: Date: 2020-12-24 13:44click: [ ]

On the morning of June 4, ZHANG Xi, President of Jilin University, went to College of New Energy and Environment for investigation.Vice President BIAN Tie, Vice PresidentZHAO Hongwei and Headsfrom President's Office, Division of Development and Strategic Planning, Graduate School, Office of Undergraduate Education, Office of Sciences and Technology, Office of Human Resources and Social Security, Department of Assets & Logistic Management, Office of Laboratory and Equipment Management and other relevant departments were in attendance.

In the Key Laboratory of Groundwater Resources and Environment of the Ministry of Education, ZHANG Xi listened to the introduction madeby laboratory staffbriefing the latest scientific research progress and the situation of industry-university research cooperation. ZHANGXi and university officials had an informal discussion with current leadership, department heads andyoung faculties of College of New Energy and Environment.Dean of College of New Energy and Environment made a presentationon the development of the College,setting and construction of discipline and specialty, discipline evaluation, faculty construction, talent cultivation, scientific and technological innovation, international collaborations, the completion of the 13th Five-Year Plan and the prospect of the 14thFive-Year Plan. The Secretary of the Party Committee of College of New Energy and Environment presented a report of current situation in terms of Party construction, Party organization, Party-building and their effectiveness on the core work of the College.This was followed by an in-depth discussion among attendees including ZHAO Yongsheng and DONG Deming in which, combined with their own work practice, they exchange views on the development of college and disciplines, as well as the difficulties and challenges.The staff from functional departments answered and responded to the relevant questions.Participants from executive departments answered and shared their views on those discussions.

President ZHANG Xi commended the achievements of College of New Energy and Environment in Party-building, ideological and political education, talent cultivation, scientific research and online teaching. Heextended his thanks and appreciation to the teaching faculties for their work in supporting the construction and development of the College, adding that energy and environmental issues are related to the country’s sustainable development and have broad capacityfor development.He expressed his hope that the College will further engage in optimizingthe talent cultivation, balance the mutual development ofmajors in energy and environment. Facing the future development of energy and environmental disciplines, the College will strengthen the research of energy and environmental science,focus on the combination of science and engineering to meet the needs of national economic and social development. In making the "14th Five-Year Plan", the College should review its development history, investigate the development trends at home and abroad, clarify its development orientation to realize its advantages and characteristics.